st ignatius montana – Kristine Paulsen Photography :: the blog "You live in the moment...I live to capture it." ::: Lifestyle portraits, editorial and wedding photography in Missoula, Montana and beyond Thu, 30 Nov 2023 23:19:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana Thu, 16 Aug 2018 04:39:50 +0000 I’m a total believer in serendipity. And the fact that I got to work with Abby and Austin at their McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana is a testament to the fact that serendipity is a real, true, AWESOME thing! When Abby first contacted me about being their photographer, her message to me was...

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I’m a total believer in serendipity. And the fact that I got to work with Abby and Austin at their McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana is a testament to the fact that serendipity is a real, true, AWESOME thing! When Abby first contacted me about being their photographer, her message to me was amazing, full of warmth and excitement, and had the greatest story to tell me.

When she and Austin were visiting their friend Tyler in Missoula in the fall of 2016, on their very last day, they zipped up to Glacier. As they were making their way through the park, they saw a couple who had just gotten married, and leaned out their car window to hoot and holler and wish them a happy wedding day.

Fast forward in time bit. Abby was researching photographers for her own Montana wedding and came across my work. As she was perusing my images, she happened upon photos of that very same couple she had shouted a congratulations to in Glacier, who she then found out were Katie and Lee. Isn’t that just the most fabulous story? As she put it, “My fiancé thought that was a one and a million chance and I do believe it is as well!”

Fast forward a little more, and Abby and Austin were ready to celebrate their very own wedding day in Montana. They zipped on up to McDonald Lake and hiked a bit to a spot their friend (and officiant), Tyler, had found for them. It was a hot, beautiful, bluebird day – the lake was crystal clear, little puffs of clouds dotted the sky, and everyone was giddy and excited for Abby and Austin to get hitched.

Not only did their best friend, Tyler, officiate for them, two more of their best friends stood up with them as well – Nick and Tori. Everyone walked out onto the rocky outcrop, and soon it was time to get started.

I’ve got to say – this was one absolutely joyful, heartfelt, emotion-filled, beautiful ceremony. They took turns reading notes of friendship and love to one another, and as Abby and Austin spoke their personal, from-the-depths-of-their-hearts vows, I’m not sure there was a dry eye there (photographer included!).

As Abby and Austin sealed their newlywed status with a kiss, their friends cheered, the sun glinted off the lake, and everyone’s smiles were about a mile wide. At that point, it was time to cheers with some beers and really, really have some fun.

I’ve got to tell you – this group of friends…they’re so tight, have so much fun together, and love a good laugh. My kind of people! They had a blast goofing around with some portraits, and soon, the horse head masks came out. Yep, you read that right. The guys all donned them (mind you, it was EXTREMELY difficult for them to see out of them which just made everything even funnier), and their antics had me in stitches. I was laughing so hard making their photos that I had tears rolling down my cheeks. What a hoot!

But that was just the start. Soon, they whipped out a pair of coke-bottle glasses from a buddy of theirs and decided to make portraits of everyone wearing them. (Nothing against glasses-wearing folks, but those are some GLASSES!) We all doubled over laughing again as everyone took their turn in front of the camera making their best faces.

After a bit we decided to pack out and hike back to the car, but it was just too beautiful of a day to call it quits. So Abby, Austin and I zipped around to make a few more portraits in the surrounding area before they and their friends headed back into town to celebrate their nuptials.

Abby and Austin! Ohmygoodness! What a truly memorable, fantastic, beautiful day! I’m so glad our paths crossed and that you invited me to document your wedding day. It was so much fun hanging out with you the evening before and on your wedding day – you all are such great folks, and I swear, my heart grew two sizes just for having met you all. Here’s to you two and a lifetime filled with happiness (and happy tears!), joy and oodles of fun! Congrats congrats congrats!

Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography Abby + Austin :: McDonald Lake Elopement in St Ignatius Montana - Photos by Kristine Paulsen Photography

On the Docket:

Weddings, elopements and portraits – stay tuned!



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